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/NanoIC pilot line

NanoIC pilot line

Accelerating beyond-2nm chip innovation across Europe

Systems-on-chip based on beyond-2nm logic nodes promise great opportunities for the European semiconductor industry.

To accelerate their development and commercialization, the NanoIC pilot line, deployed by the European Chips Act, offers low-barrier access to state-of-the-art equipment, and advanced research and development of new materials, process steps, and modules.

The NanoIC pilot line is a result of European collaboration. It’s hosted by imec (Belgium), and its partners include CEA-Leti (France), Fraunhofer (Germany), VTT (Finland), CSSNT (Romania), and Tyndall National Institute (Ireland).

About the NanoIC pilot line

The acquisition and operation of the Chips JU pilot line are jointly funded by the Chips Joint Undertaking, through the European Union’s Digital Europe and Horizon Europe programs, as well as by the participating states.

Access to beyond-2nm innovation

The NanoIC pilot line is accessible to:

  • Start-ups, SMEs, universities, and design and system companies for early design exploration and prototyping.
  • Foundries and IDMs for the evaluation of process flow and equipment innovations.

Do you want access to the NanoIC pilot line to accelerate your innovation?

Click here

Pilot line project partners


Co-funded by

Chips JU
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Supported by

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